Couples & Marriage Counseling in Jacksonville, Florida

Reconnect & reignite the spark.

It feels like you can never get through to your partner.

With one or both of you constantly tired from working all the time, there is no “right moment” to bring up what’s bothering you. Whenever you try to talk, it always seems to devolve into an argument that no one can win. Around the house, there haven’t been any romantic gestures or intimate moments in a long time. Mostly, you just tiptoe around each other until the day is over.

Maybe something has happened recently—a loss or infidelity— that has made you realize things aren’t working. Each of you has a different idea of what a “good” relationship should be, and neither of you is getting your needs met.

Through counseling, you can rebuild a relationship that’s stronger and more deeply connected than ever.

My approach

Real communication for real change.

There is a middle ground where both your and your partner’s needs can be met, and where no one feels like they’re sacrificing the things that matter to them. My job is to guide you there and equip you with the tools you’ll need to have conversations (even when they might be tough) where everyone feels like their perspective matters. Addressing the challenges you’re facing in therapy means you’ll have a neutral, rational space to express yourself and truly be heard.

Understanding how “you” fit into the “we” of your relationship.

I am Level 1 certified in the Gottman Method Couples Therapy, which is a research-based method that has helped thousands of couples overcome the obstacles that come with long-term commitment. It’s all about learning how your partner communicates and how to resolve conflicts so you can have a better overall connection.

In our first session, I’ll meet with you both as a couple. We’ll talk about what’s been going on lately, and what you’d like to see change in your relationship. Then, I’ll meet with each of you again separately for a single one-on-one session. The purpose of this is to get to know you individually and gain an idea of what your life was like before your relationship began.

From there, we’ll set goals for our work together and you’ll meet with me as a couple for every future session. I know that having a stranger get involved in the inner workings of your private life can feel uncomfortable and strange, so we’ll spend a good amount of time getting to know each other, and the setting will be very laid-back and low-pressure.

Over time, I’ll help you each figure out what you can do to improve the situation. You’ll both learn how to ask for what you want and need, and how to listen when your partner is the one doing the asking. I believe that sexual health is a HUGE part of mental wellbeing, so we’ll spend some time diving into how you can each find more enjoyment in that element of your relationship as well. Overall, it won’t be about trying to change the other person, but instead, about acknowledging the role you play in the relationship and taking steps to do your part. Real change only happens when both parties are willing to do real work—and I believe your relationship is worth working for.

Leave behind…

  • Circular arguments that lead nowhere

  • A nonexistent sex life that leaves both parties unsatisfied

  • Mistrust & suspicion

  • Living like roommates

  • Defensiveness & criticism in every conversation

move forward into…

  • Effective & kind communication

  • True intimacy & connection

  • Trust & belief in your relationship

  • Awareness of how words & actions affect your partner

  • Compromise, commitment, & compassion

The support & understanding you both need…

To have the connection you both deserve.


  • Couples counseling can be really helpful, but every couple is different and so are the issues they face. It can provide a safe space to work on communication and relationship problems with the help of someone who’s trained to navigate conflict effectively. If you’re wondering whether counseling could benefit you and your partner, request a complimentary consultation and we can discuss things more in-depth.

  • Nope! If you’re in a committed, long-term relationship, you can definitely benefit from what counseling can teach you and help you work through the challenges you’re experiencing.

  • Couples should consider couples/marriage counseling when they're facing challenges they can't seem to resolve on their own, like frequent arguments, trust issues, or feeling distant from each other. It's also a good idea to seek counseling preventatively, taking the initiative to learn to communicate effectively before conflicts occur. Put simply, couples can benefit from things they’ll learn in counseling at any stage of their relationship.

  • The duration of couples/marriage counseling can vary widely. Some couples see improvements in just a few sessions, while others may benefit from longer-term counseling. It depends on your specific issues and progress as a couple throughout the counseling process.

  • Couples counseling helps couples improve their relationship by addressing communication problems, building trust, and finding healthier ways to handle conflicts. It's a space for couples to work on their issues with the guidance of a professional communicator. In our consultation, we can discuss exactly what the process will look like should you decide to work with me.