Depression & Anxiety Therapist in Jacksonville, Florida

Embody self-confidence & feel more in control.

It’s hard to understand how you can be

doing so well on the surface, but feeling so miserable inside.

Lately, it’s getting harder to ignore the racing thoughts and the pit in your stomach that never seems to go away. Often, the only time you feel at ease is when you’re partaking in vices that you know aren’t good for you in the long term. The worry you constantly feel may even be causing panic or anxiety attacks—your heart beating out of control and feeling like you can’t breathe—and these episodes can derail your focus for the rest of the day, or even longer.

You’re a great problem solver in other areas of your life, which only makes it more frustrating that you can’t seem to find solutions for the things that trouble you the most.

Through therapy, you can find relief from anxiety and depression, and move into the future with confidence.

My approach

Solutions as unique as you are.

Your past, your challenges, and your strengths are distinctively yours—which means the solutions and strategies we come up with together will be, too. The reality is, there will always be things in life that make you feel anxious or sad, but there are absolutely ways to manage them to keep them from having control over your life. Together, we’ll explore all of this at whatever pace feels most comfortable for you, and work toward a reality in which you can truly enjoy the present and look forward to the future.

In the work we do, you’ll be in control.

In our sessions, you can feel free to be fully yourself and express whatever feelings you’re having—I’ll never judge or criticize you. We’ll start by talking about what’s been troubling you lately and some of the background that’s led you here. You’ll drive our conversation, and I’ll follow your lead.

Once we’ve established that baseline of trust, we’ll be able to discuss a broad range of topics that could be affecting your mood and thought patterns in ways you may not be aware of.

This includes sexual wellbeing, which I believe plays a big role in overall wellbeing. Being able to communicate your wants and needs in this setting can translate into other parts of your life.

As is my nature, I’ll be honest and frank with you when I feel it’s warranted. I’ve often heard from clients that they appreciated this about working with me, because sometimes all you really need is someone to be straight with you. Of course, I always share these things from a place of compassion.

My primary goal is to equip you with the insight and tools you need to experience real change in your life between sessions.

Leave behind…

  • Overthinking & racing thoughts

  • Difficulties concentrating

  • Feeling constantly irritable or annoyed

  • Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness

  • Lack of self-confidence

Move forward into…

  • Tools to interrupt unhelpful thought patterns

  • The ability to stay present

  • Being able to manage & cope with stress

  • Expressing your feelings so you can let them go

  • Confidence that you can handle whatever’s to come

Find real relief…

and start to enjoy the things that matter most.


  • Yes, anxiety can definitely cause physical symptoms. When you're anxious, your body can react with things like a fast heartbeat, muscle tension, stomachaches, and even headaches. Through tools you’ll learn in therapy, you can manage anxiety and lessen these symptoms.

  • Anxiety and depression aren't the same, but they can often show up together. Anxiety is like that jittery feeling you get when you're worried about something, while depression is more like a deep and ongoing sense of sadness and hopelessness. Both can be managed and overcome through techniques learned in counseling.

  • Anxiety attacks are moments when your anxiety gets very intense and can feel overwhelming. They're not dangerous in the sense that they won't harm your body, but they can be really frightening and unpleasant. If you’ve experienced an anxiety attack (or many), therapy can help you address the root issues and manage anxiety so they happen less frequently or not at all in the future.

  • Depression is like a heavy cloud that hangs over your life, making you feel down, exhausted, and not interested in things you used to enjoy. It's not just feeling sad—it's feeling this way for weeks or even months at a time. Counseling can help pull you out of the haze and give you the tools to feel better.